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Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 09:57:14 +1100
Subject: [atsic] Media Release:  A healing film for all

Sunday, 17 February 2002

A healing film for all

Territorians are being urged to go along and see the new Australian film,
Rabbit Proof Fence, which premieres in Darwin tonight.

 The Chairperson of the Yilli Rreung Regional Council, Ms Barbara Cummings,
says  the film  is  an  important means of explaining the history of the
Stolen Generations.

Ms Cummings was taken away and raised in Darwin's Retta Dixon home for
'half-caste' children. She is the author of the book, Take this Child, and a
vocal advocate for  the Stolen Generations.

She attended  a preview of the film this  week.

"This is not a bleeding heart depiction," Chairperson Cummings said.

"This is a very  powerful realistic film. It tells it how it happened.

"I understand the Director, Phillip Noyce, has used some artistic license
regarding Molly Kelly's story and included some elements that did not
actually happen to her personally.

"I don't see why some people have a problem with this. The film is based on
undeniable fact - these things did happen to us. That's why I believe it is
so important all Australians, especially our young people, go and see it.

"This is our history. It's not about making people feel guilty for the past.
It's about gaining a greater understanding of where we come from and the
legacy these policies have left us with today."

ATSIC Commissioner for NT Northern Zone, Mr Kim Hill, said he has been
heartened by the public response to the movie as it opened nationally over
the past week.

"It's encouraging to see the amount of good will and interest this film has
initiated in the wider community," Commissioner Hill said.

"I strongly believe  Australians are now more open to the stories of our
Indigenous past, but we must also remember that we still live with the
painful effects of these policies, especially the removal of part-Aboriginal
children from their families.

"These have been extensively detailed in the Royal Commission into
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody released eleven years ago, and more recently in
the HREOC  report Bringing Them Home.

"I only hope the renewed public interest in the Stolen Generations generated
by The Rabbit Proof Fence also acts as a prompt to Federal, State and
Territory governments who have not yet fully committed to the implementation
of recommendations from these two landmark reports.

"Only then can we truly move forward as a mature nation, one that is
prepared to confront its history and remedy the legacy of past injustice."

ATSIC has been assisting Birch, Carroll and Coyle with tonight's Darwin

This will  include the presence of counsellors from the Danila Dilba Medical
Service who will be on hand to assist those who may find the film's subject
matter difficult to deal with.

"It does bring up a lot of emotion and painful memories," Chairperson
Cummings said. "But hopefully it will also assist with the healing process
so necessary for us to get on with our lives."

For further information:     Francine Chinn        0419 819 025


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