inviting solution Jim.

off the top of me head, I think one of the key issues is that the physical
location where the Embassy stands is 'significant' ground from the point of
view of the political history of our struggles. I doubt moving into the
South African Embassy would be considered.

Another key issue is the extreme concern some people have with the
superficial "aesthetics" of our most prominent National Capital. The sight
of our Tent Embassy, amongst our most prestigious monuments and buildings
absolutely infuriates some people.

I believe they are irrational in their desire to sweep the Tent Embassy from
their view, and some of them plainly bigoted, or racially prejudiced against
Aboriginal people. If we examine why those people find it offensive, we come
back to the heart of the matter to the cultural clash that has existed since

Our Tent Embassy looks 'out-of-place' in the midst of the pristine manicured
environment - and I'm very proud and pleased it does. It reminds everyone of
the stark contrast between the government wealth represented in it's
buildings, monuments, and prestigious places, against the meagre conditions
of our Aboriginal people. A poignant, intelligent statement in itself.

Some argue and say to accept a shiny new building - all amenities - leave
the Tent behind. I hope what I've mentioned above helps them understand why
a Tent is perfectly fine.

We need assurances that the Tent Embassy will be left unthreatened right
where it is, and safe from attack and purposeful disruption of it's
functions. To be on the National Heritage listing doesn't seem to avoid the
recurrent political attacks to remove the Tent Embassy. Attacks which seem
to ensue during politically sensitive momments in the big time-line of the

More concrete protection is needed. I dare say this is why they may be
considering whatever legal avenues available to obtain official recognition,
to then obtain official protection. As Tim is right, it doesn't make sense

I wonder...could another foreign Embassy extend it's boundaries legally to
provide some protection without the Tent Embassy having to relocate?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Duffield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, 24 February 2002 10:21 AM
> Subject: Re: [recoznettwo] Press Statement: From Aboriginal Tent Embassy
> On Sat, 23 Feb 2002 13:10, Suze Collett wrote:
> > I'd suspect that they are trying everything under the sun to protect the
> > Embassy first and foremost.
> >
> > I don't know if we could regarded it as on par with other Embassies of
> > foreign countries, considering we're resident in our own
> country? Perhaps
> > there are further complexities to consider?
> >
> > I doubt the United Nations would consider denying the legitimacy of the
> > Australian government. Perhaps other proceedures may need to be explored
> > and modified to accomodate resolution of our situation here in
> Australia?
> >
> > Innovative solutions may be needed...
> > Suze
> >
> Howsa about they seek the diplomatic protection of a "foreign"
> embassy, say
> South Africa and set up their emplacement there?
> Thinnin....
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