The West Australian
December 21, 2001  

A coloured view of racism

  By Suresh Rajan

  DON JACKSON takes the
  opportunity (Soapbox,
  19/12) to make some
  sweeping generalisations
  regarding the issue of racism
  and in particular the report
  from Bill Jonas and the Human Rights and Equal
  Opportunity Commission on racism in Australia.

  For a retired schoolteacher and educator, he displays a
  remarkable lack of understanding of an issue that is
  very important in our multicultural society.

  He begins with a statement that suggests that racism
  as a crime is only a recent manifestation. He suggests
  that it is only in the last few years that racism has
  been seen as a heinous crime.

  Mr Jackson, the United Nations issued its convention
  on racism and the elimination of racism in 1966. In
  part, that convention says: "Considering that the
  United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All
  Forms of Racial Discrimination of 20 November 1963
  (General Assembly resolution 1904 (XVIII))
  solemnly affirms the necessity of speedily eliminating
  racial discrimination throughout the world in all its
  forms and manifestations and of securing
  understanding of and respect for the dignity of the
  human person, Convinced that any doctrine of
  superiority based on racial differentiation is
  scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially
  unjust and dangerous and that there is no justification
  for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice,

  Of course, there were other far more momentous
  manifestations of the use of race as a means of
  discrimination between races.

  World War II was clearly a time when discrimination
  towards the Jews was well documented.

  We can keep going back to the race riots of the 1960s
  and all the way to the slave trade as it was practised
  in the United States.

  Ethnic cleansing of the nature that Mr Jackson
  prescribes is what has led to the vast majority of race
  problems around the world. And it is not purely
  Western societies that practised that type of

  So, Mr Jackson, racism has been a heinous crime a lot
  longer than you acknowledge in your column. 

  Mr Jackson goes on to assert that the Judeo-Christian
  culture is the appropriate culture for this society.

  It is to be wondered whether the Aboriginal
  community felt that when the invading British first
  confronted them. The imposition by a foreign force of
  its culture on the local population was clearly evident
  in that instance. 

  THE issue that seems to be lost on Mr Jackson is
  why is it not possible for two cultures to co-exist in
  harmony in one country? There is nothing to suggest
  that any one culture needs to be dominant over the
  other. Why is it not possible for the Asian races and
  the African races to co-exist with the white
  Anglo-Saxon Australian population.

  "Why alone are we called racist?" asks Mr Jackson.
  No, Mr Jackson, we are not the only ones called
  racist. Anyone who practices discrimination on the
  basis of race is called a racist. Whether the perpetrator
  of the racist discrimination is white, black or brindle,
  they are racist. Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe
  has long been seen to be practising racist policies
  against the white farmers.

  Are we going to "endanger our own culture with a big
  influx of other religions? Why alone are we called
  racist?" asks Mr Jackson. How are we endangering
  our own culture? Why is it not possible for Mr
  Jackson to practise his religion while I practise mine
  and for us to live in the same country? Why should
  everyone in this culture practise Christianity? Some
  of the religions being practised by the visitors to this
  country pre-date those of the residents in this
  country. Why does this need to be left aside at the
  airport when we arrive here, legally or illegally?
  Would we be prepared to give up our Judeo-
  Christian beliefs when we go to other countries to
  reside and work for the betterment of our families? 

  Mr Jackson says: "For most of us this means
  applying the values of our Christian culture which
  include patriotism, kindness, courtesy, hard work and
  respect for each person's independence. The loss of
  racial awareness involves losing these virtues and
  sliding into a hybrid culture." Mr Jackson, you might
  not be aware of this but patriotism, kindness,
  courtesy, hard work and respect of each person's
  independence are not solely the domain of the
  Christian faith.

  Mr Jackson says: "We are stigmatised as xenophobic,
  yet what Asian country opens its doors to
  Europeans? None. They believe in retaining their own
  culture, be it Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Confucian or

  I am not aware of any Asian country that does not
  allow Europeans to reside in their country. When
  they are resident there they are allowed to practise
  their religion and culture.

  THEY are required to respect the traditions of the
  local faith but there is no restriction on them
  practising their own religion and culture. Visitors from
  all of those countries to this one are asking for the
  same benefits to be to accorded to them here.

  Mr Jackson, your arguments presented in the column
  are indeed weak. I suggest that as a former educator
  you use your retirement wisely and understand the
  position of some of the other cultures and religions
  and that perhaps that exercise will be of benefit to
  you at some date in the future. Understanding is
  something that we all crave. Maybe some day that
  will dawn upon you.

  Suresh Rajan is the president of the Ethnic
  Communities Council of WA.

  December 21, 2001

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