It might be wise to use the already built in db pool. Now, you should know,
I'm not very experienced with red5, but I've worked with tomcat quite a lot
lately, and as I understand it, red5 is built around this container. Also,
if you use standalone red5, your container of choice most certainly supports
this technology.  I have no good resource available to point you to, so you
should explore a little. Here's a starting point :)

On 9/8/07, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm creating a Red5 application that talks to MySQL via JDBC.
> Once I establish a connection to the database, is there every any reason
> to close it?
> Should I just establish a connection on appStart() and leave the
> connection open for the duration of my application?
> As clients connect and interact with my application, I will of course be
> doing a lot of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, etc.
> Any input is welcome on this topic.
> -Mike
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