Hi Kareem,

The .Net-based SOAP interfaces make it impossible to get the return
value from the RQL call because of the exception.  Essentially
the .Net web services in the "services" folder are there to support
the nav manager functionality and so when an error is returned from an
RQL call these web services don't return the IODATA response in the
SoapException's "detail" element - a bit rude really.  To compensate
for this you need to create a method that makes the call directly so
that you can get at the result even though there is an exception.
In .Net 2.0 web service proxies generated by Visual Studio are written
into partial classes.  You can create a file in your code that adds
methods to this partial class.  You could create one thusly (C# -
"using" statements omitted):

public string GetLoggedInGuid( string userName, string password )
        string postData = String.Format( @"<?xml version=""1.0""
        <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/
envelope/"" xmlns:soapenc=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/
encoding/"" xmlns:tns=""http://tempuri.org/RDCMSXMLServer/
webservice/"" xmlns:types=""http://tempuri.org/RDCMSXMLServer/
webservice/encodedTypes"" xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-
instance"" xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"";>
                <soap:Body soap:encodingStyle=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/
                                <sParamA xsi:type=""xsd:string"">{0}</sParamA>
xsi:type=""xsd:string"">XMLServer.Execute: No data</
                                <sResultInfoA xsi:type=""xsd:string"" />
        </soap:Envelope>", String.Format( @"&lt;IODATA&gt;&lt;ADMINISTRATION
action=&quot;login&quot; name=&quot;{0}&quot; password=&quot;{1}&quot;/
&gt;&lt;/IODATA&gt;", userName, password ) );

        WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create( "http://reddot-cms/CMS/webservice/
        req.Headers["SOAPAction"] = "\"http://tempuri.org/RDCMSXMLServer/
        req.Method = "POST";
        req.ContentType = "text/xml; charset=utf-8";
        req.ContentLength = postData.Length;
        StreamWriter reqStreamWriter = new StreamWriter( req.GetRequestStream
() );
        reqStreamWriter.Write( postData );

        WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
        StreamReader respReader = new StreamReader( resp.GetResponseStream
() );
        string result = respReader.ReadToEnd();

        XmlDocument xdResult = new XmlDocument();
        xdResult.LoadXml( result );

        XmlNode nResult = xdResult.SelectSingleNode( "//Result" );

        XmlDocument xdResponse = new XmlDocument();
        xdResponse.LoadXml( nResult.InnerText );

        return xdResponse.SelectSingleNode( "//LOGIN" ).Attributes

Note the WebRequest.Create method accesses the following URL:

Obviously you will need to change reddot-cms to your actual server.
Also I think you have to select to install the SOAPToolkit option when
installing RedDot (I'm sure you can add it after).

At any rate, this is the "old school" web service which will return
the full IODATA response from RedDot in the nResult.InnerText, which
you can then use, as I have above, to retrieve the logonguid.

Non-trivial but not impossible.


Richard Hauer
5 Limes Pty Limited

On Jan 6, 8:41 pm, akor <luem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, so step by step:
> 1. Login with RQL
> <ADMINISTRATION action='login' name='admin' password='admin'/>
> 1a. If user is not logged in yet or not all sessions are used, you'll
> get
>   <LOGIN guid="[!guid_login!]" server="MyServer"
>    serverguid="[!guid_server!]" userkey="[!key_user!]"
>    usertoken="[!key_token!]"/>
>   <USER guid="[!guid_user!]" name="admin" fullname="Admin" id="1"
>    flags1="0" flags2="32768" dialoglanguageid="DEU"
>    dialogtextdirection="" languageid="DEU" showstarthelp="0"
> lcid="1031"
>    navigationtype="0" preferrededitor="0" invertdirectedit="0">
>    ...
>   </USER>
> 1b. If user is already logged in, you'll get
>   <LOGINS>
>     <LOGIN guid="[!guid_login!]" loginguid="[!guid_login!]"
>      userguid="[!guid_user!]" lastdate="38562,6545023148"
>      lastactiondate="38562,6545023148" logindate="38562,6545023148"
>      intern="0" moduledescription=""/>
>     ...
>   </LOGINS>
>   <USER  guid="" id="0" flags1="0" flags2="0" dialoglanguageid="DEU"
>    dialogtextdirection="" languageid="" isservermanager="0"
> showstarthelp="0"
>    lcid="1031"/>
> 2. From both 1a and 1b grab the login guid: from <LOGIN guid="[!
> guid_login!]"
>     Additionally, if 1b with RDError101, do a LogOut of the user and
> Login again, so you end up with 1a.
> 3. Get the session with the login guid from 1a with RQL:
> <IODATA loginguid="[!guid_login!]">
>   <ADMINISTRATION action="validate" guid="[!guid_login!]"
>    useragent="script">
>     <PROJECT guid="[!guid_project!]"/>
> Answere from server is
>   <PROJECT guid="[!guid_project!]" name="project_name"
>    reddotstartpageguid="" flags="1" versioning="-1" testproject="0"
>    useexterneditor="0" externeditorurl="" requestexterneditortext=""
>    setnamesonlyinmainlanguage="0" rdeditorpreferred="0"
>    templaterelease="0" contentclassversioning="2"
> wordeditorallowed="0"
>    liveserverguid="[!guid_liveserver!]" donotloadtexteditorinform="0"
>    mainlanguagevariantid="DEU" navigationmanager="1"/>
>     <USER guid="[!guid_user!]" userid="1" maxlevel="1"
>      isservermanager="-1" dialoglanguageid="DEU"
>      projectguid="[!guid_project!]" lm="-1" languagevariantid="DEU"
>      country="Germany" language="German" languagekey="ge"
>      lcid="1031" dialoglcid="1031" languagevariantlcid="1031"
>      rights1="-1" rights2="-1" rights3="-1" rights4="-1"
> flags1="1040408"
>      flags2="15948"/>
>     <SERVER guid="[!guid_server!]" name="" key="[!key!]"/>
>     <LICENSE userguid="[!guid_user!]" projectguid="[!guid_project!]"
>      guid="[!guid_license!]" level="1" te="-1" lm="-1" id="smarttree"/
> Grab the session key from <SERVER ... key="xxxxx"
> The function I posted before needs to be adjusted for your script.
> A full working script could look like this:
>   strProjectGUID = "4DEF650A380D4218B915374023D35DB3"
>   sWSDLUrl = "";
>   strLoginUser = "admin"
>   strLoginPass = "admin"
>   Dim sRQLResponse, sError, sInfo
>   Dim strLoginGUID, strSessionKey, strUserGUID
>   Dim objXMLDOM, oSoapClient
>   Set objXMLDOM=Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
>   'Init the client to call the RedDot CMS WebService
>   Set oSoapClient = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient30")
>   oSoapClient.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True
>   oSoapClient.MSSoapInit2 sWSDLUrl, "", "", "", ""
>   Public Function SendRQLRequest(sRQLRequest)
>     'Execute the RQL and receive the response
>     sRQLResponse = oSoapClient.Execute(sRQLRequest, sError, sInfo)
>     Call objXMLDOM.LoadXML(sRQLResponse)
>     Set SendRQLRequest = objXMLDOM
>   End Function
>   Public Function GetLoginGuid(strLoginUser,strLoginPass)
>     sRQLRequest   = "<IODATA><ADMINISTRATION action='login' name='" &
> strLoginUser & "' password='" & strLoginPass & "'/></IODATA>"
>     Set oRQLResponse  = SendRQLRequest(sRQLRequest)
>     Set oNode = oRQLResponse.selectSingleNode("//LOGIN")
>     If oNode Is Nothing Then
>       Response.Write "ERROR: No LoginGUID found..."
>       Exit Function
>     End If
>     strLoginGUID =  oNode.GetAttribute("guid")
>     If (sError="#RDError101") Then
>       Call LogOut(strLoginGUID)
>       Call GetLoginGuid(strLoginUser,strLoginPass)
>     End If
>     GetLoginGuid = strLoginGUID
>     Set oRQLResponse = Nothing
>     Set oNode = Nothing
>   End Function
>   Public Function GetSessionKey(strLoginGUID, strProjectGUID)
>     sRQLRequest   = "<IODATA loginguid='" & strLoginGUID &
> "'><ADMINISTRATION action='validate' guid='" & strLoginGUID &
> "'><PROJECT guid='" & strProjectGUID & "' /></ADMINISTRATION></
>     Set oRQLResponse  = SendRQLRequest(sRQLRequest)
>     Set oNode = objXMLDOM.SelectSingleNode("//SERVER")
>     If oNode Is Nothing Then
>       Response.Write "ERROR: No SessionKey found..."
>       Exit Function
>     End If
>     GetSessionKey = oNode.GetAttribute("key")
>     Set oRQLResponse = Nothing
>     Set oNode = Nothing
>   End Function
>   Public Function GetUserGuid(strSessionKey)
>     sRQLRequest   = "<IODATA><PROJECT sessionkey='" & strSessionKey &
> "'><USER action='sessioninfo'/></PROJECT></IODATA>"
>     Set oRQLResponse  = SendRQLRequest(sRQLRequest)
>     Set oNode = objXMLDOM.SelectSingleNode("//USER")
>     If oNode Is Nothing Then
>       Response.Write "ERROR: No User found..."
>       Exit Function
>     End If
>     GetUserGuid = oNode.GetAttribute("guid")
>   End Function
>   Public Function LogIn(strLoginUser,strLoginPass)
>     strLoginGUID  = GetLoginGuid(strLoginUser,strLoginPass)
>     strSessionKey = GetSessionKey(strLoginGUID, strProjectGUID)
>     strUserGUID   = GetUserGuid(strSessionKey)
>     If (strLoginGUID <> "" AND strSessionKey <> "" AND strUserGUID <>
> "" ) Then
>       LogIn = True
>     Else
>       LogIn = False
>     End If
>   End Function
>   Public Function LogOut(strLoginGUID)
>     sRQLRequest = "<IODATA loginguid='" & strLoginGUID &
> "'><ADMINISTRATION><LOGOUT guid='" & strLoginGUID & "' /></
>     Set oRQLResponse  = SendRQLRequest(sRQLRequest)
>     LogOut = sRQLResponse
>     Set oRQLResponse = Nothing
>   End Function
> Call LogIn(strLoginUser,strLoginPass)
> 'Do whatever you want to do with the script here
> Call LogOut(strLoginGUID)
> Best-
> alex
> On Jan 5, 10:30 pm, Kareem <kareemsul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > That exactly what I'm doing, and yes, I'm getting a SoapException.I
> > wish it would just reply with an error in the response as opposed to
> > throwing a soap exception, but oh well.
> > I think you're idea will work. I was hoping for a solution without a
> > workaround, but that will have to do.
> > For now, I'm just telling the user to go logout themselves.
> > I have more issues with reddot to figure out now.
> > New post coming soon!
> > On Jan 5, 3:52 pm, bushland25 <bushlan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Are you using a .NET application to call the webservice? I think that
> > > you are considering that you get a SoapException.
> > > Anyway, why don't you have an ASP file on the server that simply
> > > returns the session login. Since the ASP script doesn't crash if the
> > > user is already logged in, it will always work. You can then have your
> > > webservice first call the ASP file, get the session guid, and then
> > > continue with your operations. I know it sounds like more than what's
> > > needed, but I think it will work more effectively than anything else.
> > > On Jan 5, 12:42 pm, bushland25 <bushlan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Yes, I shall :). Let me know if you come up with a solution.
> > > > On Jan 5, 12:01 pm, Kareem <kareemsul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > So maybe you can bash your head against your desk too. :)
> > > > > On Jan 5, 2:59 pm, bushland25 <bushlan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > Oh wonderful... I didn't even see that. Hmm...
> > > > > > On Jan 5, 11:51 am, Kareem <kareemsul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > > You mean this notation as a placeholder for me to put the value in
> > > > > > > right? [!guid_login!]
> > > > > > > I'll have nothing to fill it with. I don't know the login guid.
> > > > > > > I'm starting to think this isn't possible. Surprising something so
> > > > > > > basic isn't possible.
> > > > > > > On Jan 5, 2:06 pm, bushland25 <bushlan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > > > How about this... You can check with RQL if a user is logged in 
> > > > > > > > using
> > > > > > > > the following:
> > > > > > > > <IODATA loginguid="[!guid_login!]">
> > > > > > > >   <ADMINISTRATION>
> > > > > > > >     <USERS userguid="[!guid_user!]" action="connectlist"/>
> > > > > > > >   </ADMINISTRATION>
> > > > > > > > </IODATA>
> > > > > > > > You can get the user guid from the database as I mentioned in 
> > > > > > > > my prior
> > > > > > > > post. In your response XML, you will find the login guid if the 
> > > > > > > > user
> > > > > > > > is logged in. You can then retrieve the session variable or log 
> > > > > > > > the
> > > > > > > > user out before logging in.
> > > > > > > > On Jan 5, 5:51 am, Kareem <kareemsul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > hmm. The issue is using the login rql statement causes the 
> > > > > > > > > webservice
> > > > > > > > > to throw an exception, so I get zero information  back on the 
> > > > > > > > > logged
> > > > > > > > > in user.
> > > > > > > > > I'm only left with the username and password entered.
> > > > > > > > > I'm running this from outside of reddot, so I don't have 
> > > > > > > > > access to its
> > > > > > > > > session variables.
> > > > > > > > > Here's a thought. Is there some super user than can query all 
> > > > > > > > > logged
> > > > > > > > > in users and retrieve their session keys? Or perhaps I can 
> > > > > > > > > make a user
> > > > > > > > > just for this application.
> > > > > > > > > Is there a query for a user by name to retrieve their current 
> > > > > > > > > login
> > > > > > > > > guid? I could then use that to log them out.
> > > > > > > > > On Jan 4, 3:50 am, akor <luem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > Ah sorry, one thing more, you can get the session key then 
> > > > > > > > > > by this:
> ...
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