Do you use target containers? Yes (and no).

As with anything this is going to come down to your requriements and
the nature of the site you are trying to render.  When doing a
microsite (a site with few pages, say 10-20) and limited navigation
then I would definately go for target containers rather than Nav Mgr.

Listen up here people:
*unless you're in v10, in which case DO cause it's hard-wired into the
author experience

Why not? Cause it adds a whole layer of per-page processing and will
wreck your performance both for publish and in SmartEdit.
And when you're not using NavMgr target containers are actually very
useful.  The publication engine is optimised around their use so it
works properly when you use them properly.

When dealing with anything other than a microsite, which almost always
have proper navigation requirements, you are bound to Nav Manager for
ease of use and managability and that means target containers are out.

Remeber that Nav Mgr processing is expensive in terms of computation
required for publication and SmartEdit so use it sparingly, limit your
render spots, and don't use NavMgr where pre-execute will do
(definately try not to mix them otherwise each page is going to get
processed 3 times! add RDExecute and its 4 passes per page!!)

My 2c for what its worth...


Richard Hauer
5 Limes Pty Limited

On Aug 24, 11:05 am, markus giesen <> wrote:
> To be honest, they cause more trouble than good for me.
> I found seldom helpful and would like to know your opinion on this.
> Do you use target containers?
> Why? Why not?
> What is your benefit?
> Which project requirement can only be solved using target containers
> in your opinion?
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