You have to keep in mind the order of processing: first Render Tags, then 

Your pre-executing section should be entirely contained with your <htmltext> 
blocks. You look like you are closing and then reopening the block which won't 
work. I've edited your code below - but haven't tested those edits :-)

Also, I'm not sure how the nested render spot with the page guid will work. You 
may have to create an separate info element just for that.

And to top it all off, I've never used info elements which contained the 
Session variables for loginguid and sessionkey in pre-executing blocks with 
RQL. I'd be interested in hearing how that works.

Chad Killingsworth
Assistant Director of Web & New Media
Missouri State University

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 11:11 AM
To: RedDot CMS Users
Subject: Re: Outputting values of an Info placeholder from within a render spot

OK, let me ask the question a different way:

Does anybody know how (if it is possible at all) to integrate Render
Tags and RQL within a content class that is called by the Navigation
Manager as a Navigation Area?

My latest attempt is below, which does not work correctly: while the
output of the render tags appears as it should, no output appears from
the ASP code at all.


Escape:HtmlEncode(Context:CurrentIndex.GetUrl()) !!%></loc>

curIndexGuid = <%!! Context:CurrentIndex.Id !!%>

function sendXML(XMLString)
    sErrors = ""
    set XMLDom = Server.CreateObject("RDCMSAspObj.RDObject")
    set RQLObject = Server.CreateObject("RDCMSServer.XmlServer")
    sendXML = RQLObject.Execute(XMLString, sErrors)
    RQLObject = NULL
end function

function getElementAttribute( pageguid, nodename, attname, attvalue,
resAtt )
    XMLData = "<IODATA loginguid='<%inf_loginguid%>' sessionkey='<
%inf_sessionkey%>'>" &_
            "<PAGE guid='" & pageguid & "'>" &_
                "<ELEMENTS action='load'/>" &_
            "</PAGE>" &_
    resultXML = sendXML(XMLData)
    Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument")
    Set ElemList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(nodename)
    For counter = 0 To (ElemList.length - 1)
        if ElemList.item(counter).getAttribute(attname) = attvalue
            elementValue = ElemList.item(counter).getAttribute(resAtt)
        end if
    ElemList = NULL
    xmlDoc = NULL
    getElementValue = elementValue
end function

Response.Write( getElementAttribute(curIndexGuid, "ELEMENT", "name",
"info_modified", "value") )

    <query valuea="Context:CurrentIndex.HasChildren()" operator="=="

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