Tiffany, what about using the <rde-dm:query searchable="false/
true">...</rde-dm:query> element?  I copied the following straight
from the LS Dynaments manual:

In additional Query DynaMents, you can use the special parameter
searchable="[true|false]" to prevent particular content areas from
being indexed by the
search engine. In this way, for example, you can keep navigation bars
and headers from
being part of the search.

>From the description, it sounds like exactly what you're looking for.
I'm really surprised that support didn't give you this info.  I hope
this helps!


On Jul 16, 1:26 pm, Tiffany <> wrote:
> Hmmm....that strategy might help. It will be a lot of work to signal
> out the pages, and the process isn't flawless, but it's certainly
> better than no solution.
> Thank you.
> On Jul 16, 11:43 am, Timo Zimmermann <>
> wrote:
> > the user may only find pages which they may read.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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