Theres also some rules to follow in order to make the cleaner work
(almost) 100%.

"2 Establish a proper initial situation
2.1 Revise the live server project
First, make sure that the live server status is a correct
representation of the
Management Server project. One way to achieve this is to delete the
live server
content completely and then republish all required files.
Alternatively, you can check
the live server status and delete all files that are not required and
do not correspond
to the Management Server project.
It is recommended that all required contents are within the Management
project so that it is possible to generate the complete live server
content with a full
publication job, without copying files manually.
For a complete deletion of files from the live server, follow these
- Delete the files on the live server itself
- Delete the files on the Management Server server in the reference
folder for
publication (RedDotTemp folder)
2.2 Adjust the Management Server project structure
The project structure needs to support a full publishing job beginning
with the project
root node so that a single full publishing job gives the correct
result. To achieve this,
follow these steps:
- Adjustment of auxiliary pages: these pages need to be found by the
job. However, to suppress publishing, it is recommended that the 'do
not publish'
option is selected for all templates and variants in the content
classes of the
auxiliary pages.
- Prohibiting the publication of a sub tree can be achieved by setting
the linking
schedule to its anchor page to a time period in the past.
- Check linkages, so that a publishing job starting at the root node
finds all
required pages. (Unlinked pages will not be published!)
- Check linkages, so that a publishing job starting at the root node
does not publish
unwanted pages.
2.3 Perform a full project publishing job
Perform a full project publishing job starting with the project root
node, using the
option 'publish all following pages'. The option 'publish related
pages' should not be
used. This option is not useful for full publishing jobs but will slow
down the server."

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