Chris Abbey wrote:
> >sorry for my ignorance, but aren't PGP signatures included in every RPM ?
> >I think when you are installing the rpm the rpm verifies the signature.
> every RPM *can* be PGP signed... not all are.
> rpm *can* verify the signature of a signed RPM, *IFF* you have pgp installed,
> and ask it to do so. Redhat does not ship PGP; that's what hpa meant by having
> to download it yourself.
> >I am missing something ?
> >
> >Is GnuPG the solution of the US export-control problems ?
> You mean GnuPGP? if it can be obtained outside the US, and it can perform
> the same level of verification as pgp can inside the US, then yeah I don't
> see why not.

It can -- but it isn't the solution, just a workaround for the U.S.
censorship.  The real solution would let RedHat ship it on their CDs. 
GnuPG (not GnuPGP) is in a lot better position, though -- it's produced
outside the U.S., and is still legal (no patent issues) within the U.S.,
so one program can be used anywhere.


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