On Fri Oct 29 1999 at 10:12, John Summerfield wrote:

> > Does anyone know what the purpose of obtaining $BROWSER is for in
> > /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc?  Its always been there as long as I've used redhat
> > (3.0.3) and I figure that its just never been removed.
> It can ahve several values according to what is actually installed; if
> netscape's present, it points to that. I think it can also point to mosaic
> or lynx.

Yeah sure, but that begs the question... what is it actually *used*

I have never seen any point in worrying about it myself, since I've
never seen it actually used anywhere.  Unless I've missed something
somewhere (but unlikely, as I've been crawling around redhat systems
for 2 years now, since rh4.2).

As suggested, it's probably an obselete legacy feature that needs


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