Alex Kanavin wrote:
> Hello!
> I've noticed one wierdness in RedHat 6.1: if I ftp to myself then eleven
> sleeping identd processes appear and don't go away until I manually kill
> them. They don't have any files opened (except shared libs) and netstat -a
> doesn't show active connections on port 113. Also no sign of successful
> identd-lookup appears in the 'messages' log. I did not yet try to ftp to
> other sites that do such sort of lookup. If I telnet to port 113 then
> everything is fine: one identd appears and then disappears after I close
> the connection. I believe this is a bug. Is it ?

Depends on what you call a bug :-) pidentd is now multi-threaded and is
started up slightly differently (see /usr/doc/pidentd-3.0.3 for

Check the /etc/inetd.conf.rpmnew file for changes in how identd is
started up. Here's what I'm showing

auth    stream  tcp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/in.identd in.identd -e

73 de Jeff

Jeff Johnson    ARS N3NPQ
Chapel Hill, NC

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