JF Martinez wrote:
> I am intrigued because Compaq seems to advertise their proprietary
> Unix as the only 64 bits OS available for Alpha.  I thought Linux was
> 64 bits on Alpha.  I also thought it was 64 bits on the Ultra Sparc.
> Am I wrong?

You are absolutely correct. That reminds me of reading an article in
some Linux related publication about a year and half ago. It could
have been Linux journal. It was either an interview by "Maddog" Hall
(who used to work for Digital) or an article written by him, in
which he mentioned that when they first started porting Linux to
Alpha they started or were going to start with 32 bit coding but
then the idea was abandoned and 64 bit port was created. Soon after
that, Compaq bought Digital. If you can find that article, that
would be a pretty solid evidence/reference to let the marketroids
know. I think such marketing claim is unfair and maybe one of more
famous Open Source advocates (such as Bruce Perens or Eric Raymond)
could do something about it?

Vlad Petersen   |     <vladimip at uniserve dot com>
Vancouver, BC   |   *Good pings come in small packets*
      SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)

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