hi All,
i am new to redhat lists, so this is my first meeting,
if anything is wrong then please don't fire me down,
rather point them so that they do not appen again.
may be my question is out of topic then please guide 
me to correct mailing list,
please bear with me.

    there is a problem on which i am working on, i want a variation of
ftp utility.

what i need is that :
file x to be transfered/get at time y in z chunks of data.

is there any software (open source of course ) available so that i can
do some changes in that to
make it go my way.

i am right now in process of making a ftp-queue because my link is very
i also want so that if the connection time(s)-out, i can retry to ftp to
get rest of the left data.

with regards,
thanks in advance

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 \-/ G  A  U  R  A  V          |
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