On Wed, Apr 19, 2000 at 11:19:39PM -0700, Carlos Saldarriaga wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to Linux so this may be a simple matter to solve.  I am running an
> application on a Red Hat 6.1 server, which Win 95 users access via a terminal
> emulator (TTWin Lite).  I don't want users to have command line access, so the
> emulator connects, logs, and runs a sript upon startup.  The problem is after
> the user quits the application he(she) ends up at the command line.  I tried
> modifing the script to log the user out after the application ends with the
> following echo, but it only outputs "logout" without actually loging the user
> out.
> #!/bin/sh
> #This is the application
> sx1
> echo -e 'logout /r'

you may want to try 'logout', not 'echo logout'

even better, put in .bash_profile asa the last line:
        exec sx1

       <o-o>    Viorel ANGHEL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
       -"-"-    It's great to be smart 'cause then you know stuff.

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