> P.S. Besides, for some applications, the extra instructions can be
> really useful.  Even if it's something minor like wider-size memory
> moves, like we got when Macintoshes moved from 68030 to 68040; that can
> help a LOT with a memory-move-intensive application.  Point is, small
> changes can have surprising effects when applied to the real world.  And
> I run real machines, not "statistically average" ones.

Back when I was benchmarking 68020's I found that the best
way to get the added benefits of a 68020 over a 68000 was
to hand-code assembly language for the most memory
movement intensive library functions.  But machines get so
much faster so much quicker that I really don't see the point.

The couple of percentage points you'd gain having a 586 or
686 compiled library will be exceeded with faster CPUs in a
month or two.  The gigahertz G4 processor is out for Apples
now.  Moore's Law says there will be a 2GHz G[456] out in
another 18 months ...

-- Julie.

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