As far as I understand updates for redhat 6.2 installation,
I arrive at the following conclusion.

I will focus on redhat-6.2/i386/ and NFS installation only (with or
without kickstart).

a) For RedHat/RPMS use redhat-updates/6.2/i386/
  (which can be put in place of old versions for NFS installation)

b) For RedHat/base I assume there is no update

c) For RedHat/instimage use 
  as follow:
  mount -o loop -t ext2 .../update-disk-20000419.img /mnt/update
  cd .../RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/anaconda
  cp -a /mnt/update/* .

d) For boot.img, bootnet.img and pcmcia.img use
 (as documented in )

1) update for sources
For misc/src/ there is no update.
This can be a problem if we find a bug, for example in the loader.
The loader in initrd.img on bootnet-20000407.img has changed but
we do not have the corresponding source files.
We cannot what is in rawhide either because this is changing all
the time.

Can we ask RedHat to provide, at the same time as bootnet.img updates,
also the corresponding misc/src updates?

2) wrong file in update-disk-20000419.img
If we want to use the new bootnet-20000407.img we better update
the RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/anaconda/ as mentionned in c) above,
so that it is not necessary to use the disk made from
the RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/
crashes with an error at /usr/lib/anaconda/iw/ line 14
  os.symlink(src, dst)
because the dst directory /tmp/updates/iw/ does not exist.
The patch for this file is in attachment.
(although I suspect that, if we patch the nfs server for the instimage/
this file can stay empty and it is necessary only when using
phisically the update diskette)

So, to make life easier, can we ask RedHat to provide also a mirror
of instimage together with update-disk-xxxxxx.img when needed.

These modifications could help maintain and try to patch the
installation of redhat 6.2.

I am still unable to figure out why the ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg option
is not working but I have no real way to debug it without the 
source of the used loader.
***	Thu Apr 13 20:58:49 2000
---	Fri Jul 14 19:58:24 2000
*** 1,4 ****
--- 1,5 ----
  import os
+ import iutil
  for n in os.listdir("/mnt/runtime/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/"):
*** 11,14 ****
--- 12,16 ----
     if (os.access(dst, os.F_OK) == 1):
+    iutil.mkdirChain('/tmp/updates/iw/')
     os.symlink(src, dst)
 Anne Possoz   Service Informatique Central Tel : (41/21) 693.22.49
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)

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