On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Got another good one for you.  It seems that doing a network install of RH 6.2
> does not install Lilo onto the MBR.  I discovered this by using Quantum's
> DataEraser utility and zero'd out the first 63 sectors.  Then I installed the
> RH dist over NFS and everything worked great.  But it didn't boot.  So, I did a
> hex dump of the MBR and partition tables.
> All I found was a bunch of bytes near the end of the first sector.  I assume
> this is the partition table.  But, no sign of the usual  "LILO" near the
> beginning.
> Anyone run into this?  Got some hints?

Here I go answering my own questions again...

There is a bug in the rawhide dist of anaconda.  When lilo is run, there
is no /boot/message existing.  So, it bails out, not installing the required
stuff in the MBR.   It gives some odd error like:  "/boot/message doesn't
exist.", and it messes up your text screen as well.  

To get it to work you need the following diff:

--- lilo.old.py Fri Aug 25 16:25:41 2000
+++ lilo.py     Fri Aug 25 16:26:06 2000
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
        lilo.addEntry("install", "/boot/boot.b", replace = 0)
        lilo.addEntry("prompt", replace = 0)
        lilo.addEntry("timeout", "50", replace = 0)
-       lilo.addEntry("message", "/boot/message", replace = 0)
+       #lilo.addEntry("message", "/boot/message", replace = 0)
         # XXX edd overrides linear, lba32/linear are mutually exclusive
         if self.edd:
            lilo.addEntry("lba32", replace = 0)

Lot of crap to just comment out a line! :)  The file is located in

Have fun,


Be sociable. Speak to the person next to you in the unemployment line tomorrow.

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