just  create "boot" partition at least 16M size first.
then go a head to build your partition
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----- Original Message ----- 
To: Redhat-Devel-List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Blinux-List 
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 9:25 AM
Subject: installation problem

> Hello there:
>     I have an installation problem.
>     My computer equipment is PIII-600, 128MB RAM, 27GB HD, 32MB Display
> card.
>     The hard drive was partitioned into 2 partitions before I was trying
> to install RedHat 6.2, and the partition sizes are 2GB(FAT) and
> 15GB(NTFS). I planned to partition the rest of my hard drive into a root
> partition in order to install Linux but Disk Druid informed me that "The
> / is too big!" then refused to create any partition for me. Then, I made
> the / partition to 2GB, Disk Druid still responsed same error message.
> Anything wrong with my installation procedure?
> Thanks in advance

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