On Fri, 01 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> When I fork() inside a program, the PID of the child is
> incremented by two.  Very odd.  The system has zero activity on
> it, and I can repeatedly get the same result.  The program works
> however, it just seems odd to me that the parent's PID is say
> 500, and an immediate fork() gives the child a PID of 502.  In
> looking at other programs running in the system, they appear to
> increment by one.
> Just an oddity I thought perhaps someone could describe for me...


I found this weird as well.  (although we should be talking about this on
comp.os.unix.*, but who cares...)  I believe the system goes through a
fork/thread manager.  When that happens it takes the 501 slot.  After all the
kids have been spawned, then it says, " all is well " , and then croaks. 
Therefore, an empty spot in between will occur.

If this is wrong, let me know.


Thinks't thou existence doth depend on time?
It doth; but actions are our epochs; mine
Have made my days and nights imperishable,
Endless, and all alike, as sands on the shore,
Innumerable atoms; and one desert,
Barren and cold, on which the wild waves break,
But nothing rests, save carcasses and wrecks,
Rocks, and the salt-surf weeds of bitterness.

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