The documentation that comes with SLang is lacking severely,

1) How does one enable/disable screen scrolling?

2) How does one get SLang to allow you to print on the bottom
   right hand corner of the screen?  No matter what I do, it
   refuses to print on the bottom right hand corner.  If this is
   some sort of compatibility thing for broken terminals, I want
   to disable it.  My screen has a character position there, and
   I want to use it.  If my program can't display on some broken
   terminal out there... tough luck for the person running
   it.  ;o)  They'll have source, and can patch as necessary for
   their broken terminal or library or whatever.  ;o)

3) Where is the SLang mailing list (if any)?

Mike A. Harris                                     Linux advocate     
Computer Consultant                                  GNU advocate  
Capslock Consulting                          Open Source advocate

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