At least on my Athlon, one you update your kernel to 2.2.16 from (or your favorite mirror), it doesn't try to
disable the processor any more.  Since I didn't know of the below, I
booted off a rescue disk I created during install (knowing this would
happen), got on the network, downloaded the newer kernel, installed
and was happy.

On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, schang wrote:

> The solution was posted at epox msgboard.
> At the lilo prompt, type in "linux x86_serial_nr=1".
> Then you're all set, the kernal will find a serial number and be happy.
> I tried different ways to amend the /etc/lilo.conf, include 'append...',
> 'default=linux x86...', etc, so that I don't have to
> watch the lilo prompt. So far not successful.

Aaron Whiteman - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - email with subject 'PGPKey' for pgpkey
   RCW 19.190 notice: This address is located in Washington State.
 Though I use a Macintosh, I am not a Mac-Bigot.  I just hate Windoze.

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