On 23:52, marted́ 28 novembre 2000, you wrote:

> My question is: is there a specific way to use the compat-egcs compiler?
> If it is, is it documented somewhere? If it isn't - how can I go about
> compiling programs which refuse to compile with the new compiler (I am
> developing PalmOS programs, so waiting until the sources will be updated
> to work on RH7 is not an option. And I quite like RH& and don't want to
> downgrade to 6.2)


RedHat team should answer this question, I know, but this is my personal 

I used to set a variable:

        export CC=egcs

in some file on the /etc/profile.d/ directory.

That worked in the case you can configure by yourself the program, but not 
when you must use an already configured pkg.

To have the things right forever, I decided to install the gcc-2.95, but 
leving the gcc-2.96 in place (it can be useful).

Step one was to download the gcc and the patch for glibc 2.2 (2.9x on RedHat 
Linux 7.0) from the gcc home page.

After all, start the compilation of the gcc (install dir = /usr/gcc-2.95).
Just remember to give this line to the configure:

--prefix=/usr/gcc-2.95 --enable-threads --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs

This will set the path in the /usr/gcc-2.95 dir  but, above all, will 
preserve all the old gcc library, installing the new library in a gcc-2.95 

Compilation will take less than an hour (I think, as my machine is very slow, 
and it takes one hour exactly!).

Before to run make install, remember to save all the compilers (see the list 
by using rpm -ql gcc, rpm -q gcc-c++ etc..) of the gcc-2.96 pkgs, with the 
name gcc-2.96, g++-2.96 etc...

The only step needed now is to make a simbolic link from /usr/gcc-95/bin/* to 
/usr/bin (or adding the /usr/gcc-2.95/bin directory to your path).

I hope that will help!



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