On Thu Dec 07 2000 at 19:54, "Alex Sofronie" wrote:

> I have a RH Linux 7.0 with some servers up and running, including Samba
> 2.0.7-21ssl (standard rpm from install). I have w2k pro clients and I want
> to set up RH Linux to be a domain controller. I put that reg in w2k
> registry. With w98 clients all is working properly. Although i can see it in
> workgroup, when i try to set up the domain, all is getting freaky. The samba
> log file is telling me that the user's auth failed anc could not logon.

Then that's where the problem is.

> The w2k error is something like "Procedure out of range" <- freaky, huh?

Why is it so suprising that m$ products give freaky nonsensical
error messages?

> Please help me on this. Do I need to recompile samba with some misc options?

No.  Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf

You need to do one or more of the following:

- specify another box on the network that is acting as a password

- set up the samba box AS the network password server (which means
  that they will need local unix accounts).

- encrypt passwords = yes

- security = user/server/domain
  - READ the docs, KNOW what these options do!
  - this setting has a MAJOR impact on how access is controlled!

- set up local user accounts for the netbios network users who will
  be wanting access to the samba server
  set up /etc/samba/smbusers so that your netbios users are
  "remapped" to a local (non-privileged) user.

Or other misc issues that many be hidden deep in the documentation.


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