On Mon Dec 11 2000 at 17:55, John Summerfield wrote:


> Gosh I'm good to you.

You are indeed...

> "the drivers.img file in the images subdir (same directory as boot.img &
> bootnet.img boot floppies) is your driver disk image ...

drivers.img ??  When did that arrive?

Appendix C in the official reference guide BRIEFLY mentions driver
disks, but nowhere could I find mention of that driver image...

    "How Do I Obtain a Driver Disk?
     Your best option for finding driver disk information is on Red
     Hat's website at http://www.redhat.com/support/errata/ under the
     section called Bug Fixes. 

   "If you find a driver disk that is appropriate for your device
    support needs, create a boot disk using that filename.img file.
    For instructions on how to make a boot disk, see the Official Red
    Hat Linux Installation Guide section called Making Installation

  (The install guide also does not mention the driver disk image or
  how to use it).

> "dd that file to a floppy, then run your linux install with "linux dd" at
> the syslinux prompt, and you will be prompted for your driver disk ..."

THAT makes things _easy_!

total 763
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         4327 Aug 31 08:40 modinfo
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       766526 Aug 31 08:40 modules.cgz
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          538 Aug 31 08:40 modules.dep
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         2244 Aug 31 08:40 pcitable
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           21 Aug 31 08:40 rhdd-6.1

It looks like it is easy to hack into for customisation.  And...

$ gzip -d < modules.cgz | cpio --list | grep sb
3677 blocks

<smile>  Yup, them's the one, for the "SoundBlaster Pro CDrom".

I've gone through all the RedHat docs, and none of this has hit me
before.  Did I miss this somewhere?  Or perhaps I read too often late
at night...

No, this documentation is obviously missing.  It's a bit like what
happened with redhat 6.2 and its new "undocumented" rescue mode.


> Pinched from that nice man around town, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cool.  Anyway, now this thread can die a quick death...  :)

Thanx again mate, problem solved (hopefully I haven't spoken too
soon before actually trying it... :)


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