On Mon Dec 11 2000 at 11:10, Morelli Enrico wrote:

> I have some PCs with RH 7.0. The user's home directories are mounted via
> autofs. When I try to use ftp to connect on one of these PC after entered
> login and password (I am sure that are ready), the response is:
> 530 Login incorrect.
> Login failed.
> It is the same for all users. If I try to use ftp to connect to an SGI, I
> haven't problem.
> Any suggestion?

It could be any combination of possible reasons.

The daemon is actually working, so xinetd (and, optionally,
tcp_wrappers) is configured correctly.

I assume autofs is working, and there are no ownership conflicts with
the UIDs and GIDs on the nfs-mounted directories matching what the
box thinks are their (G)IDs.

What is in /etc/ftpaccess - is it denying user logins for some reason?
Missing class or realuser/realgruop directives?  Does /etc/shells
include these user's login shell?

If you are running this in a yp network services environment, that
that's another thing to investigate (are shell logins successful?)

To point to you in any definitive direction, more info is needed.

What are your log files telling you?  The ftpd logs
(/var/log/{messages,secure}) are usually quite useful and might
(should) give you all the clues you need.  Edit /etc/ftpaccess to turn
up the logging verbosity if you need to.

Good luck.


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