On Thu, 08 Feb 2001 03:14:32 +0800, John Summerfield said:

>  >  The rule is that we break binary compatibility (e.g. major updates to
>  > gcc or glibc or other system libraries) only for major releases.
>  > That's why 6.2 still had egcs 1.1.2. 
>  I've been running gcc 2.95 on RHL 6.x (and 5.0) for quite some time.
>  Broke nothing so far as I've noticed, and the compiler (and its results) have 
>  had lots of exercise.

gcc  2.95 C++ libraries are not compatible with those of egcs.  You have to
keep both sets.  But then there the libraieds who use those C++ libraries so
you also tow keep two sets of Qt, kdelib and every C++ library in the distrib.


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