Hi, Matt,

     Thanks for the explanation!  It works well as far as I can tell.  I
needed to modify the fisher version of updkmaps to point to
/lib/kbd/keymaps where the info now resides.

     However, I've run into a brick wall that I knew was always waiting on
the floppy.  Does anyone know how to load the initrd from a second disk?
I've looked everywhere I can think of.  The documentation doesn't come
right out and say it, but it seems that the kernel and initrd have to be
the same device.  Any ideas out there?

          Bill in Denver

On Sat, 10 Feb 2001, Matt Wilson wrote:

> Basically you want to place the keymap file into /lib/kbd/keymaps and
> run "make i386" from the keymaps directory.  This will give you
> keymaps-i386.  This can be placed in /etc/keymaps.gz on the
> installer's initrd.
> Matt
> On Sat, Feb 10, 2001 at 07:28:27PM -0700, William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123 
> > Hi,
> >
> >      I'm trying to build installation Cd's for Guinness, Fisher, and 7.1
> > when it's available.  I need to add SPeakup http://linux-speakup.org/.  In
> > order to be able to install using Speakup, I have to make the speakup.kmap
> > available on the keyboard menu.  I've successfully patched the kernel, and
> > console-tools, but have no idea how to go about patching anaconda.
> > Any ideas?
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