
Recognising the audiences are not the same, I'm posting this to two lists -
Guinness because RHL 7 is involved (and the system not working), and devel
because it's also a development matter and I suspect there's not a lot of
people who understand this anyway. Certainly the HOWTOs and the NAG don't help.

I have two computers; dugite and possum. Their primary IP addresses are 

Dugite is running Red Hat Linux 6.2, kernel 2.4.1 and its requisite software.
Dugite is the server - possum's /home is nfs-mounted from dugite.

Possum has Red Hat Linux 7.0 plus updates plus kernel 2.4.2.

I have a program, user-mode-linux, which creates a slip device out of the air 
(there is no real serial interface, but we can pretend there is), sl0. What is
happening is equivalent to someone calling in and establishing a SLIP connexion.

The program runs a script to configure the host interface; the host script generates 
these commands:
/sbin/ifconfig sl0 pointopoint up
/sbin/arp -s -D eth0 -i eth0 pub

When the program has started up and configured itself and run these commands,
then I can reach from possum with ping, telnet, ssh and so on.
This is what I expect.

Here is the arp table on possum before it discovers the guest.
[root@possum /root]# arp
Address                 HWtype  HWaddress           Flags Mask            Iface
emu.os2.ami.com.au      ether   00:E0:29:07:13:95   C                     eth0
dugite.os2.ami.com.au   ether   00:00:21:01:1D:12   C                     eth0

Then I ping (the times are quite respectable, aren't they?)

[root@possum /root]# ping -c3
PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=254 time=578.403 msec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 time=627 usec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 time=775 usec

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/mdev = 0.627/193.268/578.403/272.331 ms

Then we check the tables again; there's a new entry.
[root@dugite /root]# arp
Address                 HWtype  HWaddress           Flags Mask            Iface
possum.os2.ami.com.au   ether   00:E0:29:07:3B:1B   C                     eth0
emu.os2.ami.com.au      ether   00:E0:29:07:13:95   C                     eth0
bilby.os2.ami.com.au            (incomplete)                              eth0
[root@dugite /root]# ping -c2
PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
[root@dugite /root]# arp
Address                 HWtype  HWaddress           Flags Mask            Iface
possum.os2.ami.com.au   ether   00:E0:29:07:3B:1B   C                     eth0
emu.os2.ami.com.au      ether   00:E0:29:07:13:95   C                     eth0
bilby.os2.ami.com.au            (incomplete)                              eth0
[root@dugite /root]# 

[root@possum /root]# arp
Address                 HWtype  HWaddress           Flags Mask            Iface           ether   00:00:21:01:1D:12   C                     eth0
emu.os2.ami.com.au      ether   00:E0:29:07:13:95   C                     eth0
dugite.os2.ami.com.au   ether   00:00:21:01:1D:12   C                     eth0
[root@possum /root]# 

If I do precisely the same thing on possum (and it's easy to do precisely the
same thing because all relevant files are shared), then I am unable to reach the
IP address from dugite.

Now, trying to resolve this I've engaged in much head scratching and
1) Installed the same version of arp on possum as dugite has - no difference
2) Built a 2.4.1 kernel for possum - no difference.

I don't think it's a matter of routing - possum and dugite chat very happily to
each other and to two other computers also on the LAN and that I've not

Nor do I use subnetting of my class C address range.

I can only surmise the packets are going out on the wire from dugite and not being 
recognised by possum.

I have gone to Dugite's keyboard and watched the lights on my hub, but I really
can't tell just what's happening - I cant tell any certain diference between
pinging emu (another machine on the same LAN) or possum.

I've no doubt that I can come up with a working configuration involving
subnetting or a different address range, but that's not acceptable to the
target environment.

Any ideas anyone?

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