> "Michael L. Ibraheem" wrote:
> sometimes out of security reasons i had to change the allowable run
> levels to disallow that linux single

Setup a password for lilo so you cannot
edit the kernel parameters without it.
Then add a BIOS password so you cannot boot
from a floppy without the BIOS password
(and dissable floppy boots in BIOS).

> he only solution in that case is sometimes to boot of disc
> but you need to  have background knowledge about the systems
> paritioning or else have fun guess and chec

If anyone can boot from a floppy, a single floppy
distro can boot. Then you can check /proc/partitions
and mount them to find /
once you find /, you have /etc/fstab and you can
get the whole filesystem layout.

So you need to disable floppy booting for security.

But x86 boxes are always going to be insecure.


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