> Hi list,
> Anyone has a good solution to exchange / mounted on /dev/sda5 and /tmp
> mounted on /dev/sda9. The reason is space problems with /
> I've moved around partitions earlier using cp -a, but not / What
> about mounting/rebounting/unmounting / etc? What about the boot sector?
> Pointers?

In single-user mode,
unmount /tmp
mk2tfs it (or clear files some other way)

I always like tar to copy things
mount /dev/sda9 /mnt/floppy
tar c -C / --one-file-system . | tar xp -C /mnt/floppy
vim /mnt/floppy/etc/fstab
vim /mnt/floppy/etc/lilo.conf
lilo -C /mnt/floppy/etc/lilo.conf 
lilo -r /mnt/floppy

Should be ready to shutdown and reboot.

Don't scrub /dev/sda5 for a while.
John Summerfield
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