This very strange syslog exerpt (below) is taken from
/var/log/messages on a moderately busy network server box with
redhat 6.x on it.

Does anyone know what it is?

If it is any sort of security problems, I'd really like to know :)

It is not alone, I have it happening on four similar boxes.  But we
have quite a few more, also rh6.x, where I haven't seen this at all.
I'm not sure what's so different with these four - I can't see any

Things to note about these server boxes:

  - they are all new-ish PIII's (celerons and better) with plenty of
    grunt, ram and hard drive space for what they need to do.
    Hardware is not a likely or obvious cause.

  - they have had all the relevant security updates applied.
    - but only some of the "bugfix" packages, none that
      (obviously) pertain to anything that is actually running.

  - they are providing the following services:
      - DNS                             - namecaching only
      - samba, dhcpd                    - LAN server, netbios logons and services
      - sendmail                        - local relaying only, no local accounts
      - xntpd, upsd, lpd                - local services only
      - squid proxy                     - transparent proxy setup
      - sshd, inetd (telnet/tftp), mgetty       - admin access only
      - portslave/pppd dialup (ISP) services    - multiport serial card
      - router, firewall                - of course :)

  - all network services are protected via:
      - such things as ACLs and so on in config files
      - tcp_wrappers (where applicable)
      - local (and "outer") firewalls
      - regular system-state and log message monitoring
      - tripwire and other such nice tools
      - misc other "secret weapons"  :-)

  - the netbios name of the samba server (on each box) happens to be
      - has this got anything to do with the "SERVER" entry in these
      - samba does not usually write to syslog (except for
        start/stop messages), it usually uses its own logs (nothing
        strange to be found in them).  
      - the netbios ports/broadcasts are totally blocked from
        communication to and from the internet side of the firewall.

  - the boxes are otherwise:
      - fully functional, everything appears to be working normally
      - no services crashed, or appear to be otherwise broken.
      - the installations verify ok with rpm.
      - netstat shows that the network services are as they should.
      - nothing on the boxes have been disturbed, no sign of
        intruders or anything similar.

It is happening unpredictably and infrequently (once a week or less
on each of the four).

These rather verbose messages are generated at a rate of around 20
per minute.  (They can blow out the size of /var/log/messages).
Most episodes usually only last a few minutes before the problem
apparently corrects itself (like this particular one), but on
several occasions they have gone on for several hours.

It seems to be that it could be:

        - someone attempting to get a get a buffer overflow error
          condition and root compromise via a network daemon.

        - someone doing a denial of service attack on a network

        - a library compatability problem that has started to occur
          after some of the upgrades/updates have been applied.

        - a bug in something that has not been updated.

        - a very obscure bug, possibly harmless, that is being
          triggered by a specific set of conditions.

Any hints would be appreciated on how to go about tracking this
problem and what to do about it.

  Web searching didn't get me very far... I have spotted only one
  newsgroup message that mentions this specific problem, expressing
  much the same puzzlement about what this could be.  That person
  didn't get any responses and still has no idea what this could be.

Thanks in advance.


   Some of our boxes were hit by early versions of the ramen/tr0n
   worm through vulnerable bind daemons... found early, now fixed
   with no long-term damage.
     It might be worth mentioning here most of the servers running
     vulnerable versions had ACLs in /etc/named.conf -- and this on
     its own saved ALL these boxes from the attack... they were
     configured not to answer queries for outside sources.

     The number of denied bind.version quieries our servers are
     getting (not to mention network-wide portscans) is nothing
     short of amazing, sometimes several per day.

   What all this has done is give me hightened awareness of just how
   important it is to keep network service daemons as securely
   configured as possible, and the binaries kept up to date.
   (Maintaining updates on a large server farm is a major management


  NB: this box is not really called "linuxbox" - name changed to
  protect the guilty :)  (And apologies if the hi-bit characters
  prove problematic for some people).

Apr 22 11:15:17 linuxbox SERVER[28173]: Dispatch_input: bad request line 
Apr 22 11:15:20 linuxbox SERVER[28174]: Dispatch_input: bad request line 

[ ... ]

Apr 22 11:17:48 linuxbox SERVER[28228]: Dispatch_input: bad request line 
Apr 12 11:17:50 linuxbox SERVER[28229]: Dispatch_input: bad request line 

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