On Fri, 21 Dec 2001, Thomas Dodd wrote:

> Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 11:01:18 -0600
> Wojtek Pilorz wrote:
> <snip>
> > As can be seen from the tests timings, there is little gain (when processing
> >  40 MB of data on pipe) with increasing buffer size above 32KB, and the price 
> > for having the buffer size user-specified (using my suboptimal implementation)
> > is slowed down by about 30%. Please keep in mind that original less, using 1KB
> >  buffers would need more than 500 seconds for the same operation.
> I like the one based on ENV settings better. It's not the fastest
> in any situation, but would allow the 1K default unless a change
> was needed.

The best solution is to upgrade to recently released less-371,
which is as fast as less 346 with buffer size patched to 32KB, but 
in a smarter way (so should scale better I expect, and the buffer size
in version 371 is 8KB rather than 32KB, so it should start faster when
reading files from slow media (e.g. floppy))

> Have you played with the less command line options
> for buffers? Did they help? (the -B and -bn options)
> Maybe it was intended for this kind of speed-up.
No, -B -bn will reduce memory consumption 
at a cost of keeping only part of data in memory
(i.e. discarding some when reading from pipe)
>       -Thomas
Best regards,


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