On Mon, Dec 31, 2001 at 07:17:33PM +0530, Satheesh, TV (MED) wrote:
> Considering the enormous power, there shouldn't be a problem.
> However I have seen strange errors as "Stale NFS Handle" or "Too
> Many Open files" or some error in loading libraries.

Have you tried searching "linux too many open files" on google?

First result:

 The kernel's out of file handles. Go to /proc/sys/kernel and look at
 "file-max" as compared to "file-nr" as well as "inode-max" compared
 to "inode-nr". I think "nr" is the number currently in use... but I
 could swear I've seen it go higher than "max".
 Anyway, the solution is just to put larger numbers in the "max"
 files. In my /etc/init.d, I've got a file called "setmaxfiles.sh"
 that contains:
    echo "4096" > /proc/sys/kernel/file-max
    echo "12288" > /proc/sys/kernel/inode-max
 Then, I made a symlink to it from /etc/rcS.d/S37setmaxfiles.sh so
 that it will update the kernel structures every time it boots (as it
 goes through single-user mode).

         Martin Mačok                 http://underground.cz/
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://Xtrmntr.org/ORBman/

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