> Howdy, I'm looking to develop a battery monitor/power configure app for my
> laptop and was wondering if anybody knew of a knowledge repository where I
> could get some info. ie. I'm looking a list of kernel API functions that
> will allow me to access this information. 

Take a look at the lm-sensors package. It ships with RHL 7.2. Judging 
from the results I've seen on some desktops, it's something of a black 

I'm sure the developers will welcome another into their fold;-)

> Thanks in advance,
>   Damian Del Campo,  B.Eng (Comp Sys - Hons)
>   Software Engineer,  SAGRN Project
>   Phone       08 8401 7037    (Flinders St)
>   Fax         08 8231 1385
>   E-mail      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ah, Telstra eh?

Tell those blockheads we want aDSL, we want it now and we want LINUX 

(I'm in one of those state capital areas T has forgotten about).

John Summerfield

Microsoft's most solid OS: http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/

Note: mail delivered to me is deemed to be intended for me, for my 

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