On Thu Feb 14 2002 at 07:16, Tom Diehl wrote:

> > > Then why has kernel- been put back into the 7.2 updates?
> > > (dated 5th Feb).  (The 7.1 updates have 2.4.9-12).  Both the 7.1 and
> > > 7.2 updates also have kernel- there (dated 22 Jan).
> Someone from redhat (cannot remember who) said they put -13 back temp.
> because someone needed it. I think he said that it would be "removed
> again in a week or 3"

I find it hard to believe that "someone" at redhat would put things
back into the official update distribution tree for such a trivial
reason.  Why on earth would anyone want to put back packages that
have been updated because they are known to be problematic?  If
"someone" needed it, then this should have been managed in a
separate "old-updates" tree (or similar) that is not mirrored

If this story is true, then it indicates that redhat desperately
need to re-assess the way they are managing their updates -- which
currently looks careless and unprofessional.  Things obviously needs
to be done with a lot more thought and attention to detail... what
is done to the update tree has a big impact in the rest of the world
-- especially the mirrors.

These updates are vital, and their size demands a high level of
careful management.  The total volume of all the updates so far for
the redhat 7.2 binary packages is over 550Mb, with another 400Mb for
the src rpms (or there-abouts, ignoring updated updates and the
kernel- packages).  The situation is similarly bloated for
redhat 7.1, 7.0 and 6.2 (around 700Mb of updates each).

Bssides all the obselete kernel packages, these unwanted files need
to be removed from updates.redhat.com:

 7271271 Apr 16  2001 /6.2/en/os/i386/.nfs002a3f8a0000001a
  17590K Apr 16  2001 /6.2/en/os/i386/.nfs002a3f910000001b
 9382186 Jan 16  2001 /6.2/en/os/i386/.nfs002e366b00000001
 8440699 Jan 16  2001 /6.2/en/os/i386/.nfs002e366c00000002
 6999560 Feb  8  2001 /6.2/en/os/i386/.nfs002e367f0000005e
 1592941 Nov 10  2000 /6.2/en/os/i386/.nfs0042b99500000014
  17705K Feb  8  2001 /6.2/en/os/i386/.nfs00472cc300000060                

 1526587 Feb  6  2001 /7.0/en/os/i386/.nfs001152750000005d
 8509347 Nov 17  2000 /7.0/en/os/i386/.nfs001eb5ca00000017
 6051831 Nov 17  2000 /7.0/en/os/i386/.nfs001eb5cb00000016
 8629561 Feb  6  2001 /7.0/en/os/i386/.nfs002587850000005c
 1731874 Dec 19  2000 /7.0/en/os/i386/.nfs004a962f00000003
  983223 Jun  7  2001 /7.0/en/os/i386/.nfs004abda100000003


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