> hi,
> it seems almost impossible to catch a snap of rawhide when it is consistent.
> a very stupid but useful check would be useful for those who put these files
> to the mirror site, just run the following two lines on stock rh 7.2 (this 
> means all rpm instqalled from rh 7.2 except those which are exclude each 
> others) in the rawhide directory (of course this example for i686:-):

Understand this (You should already!)

Rawhide is Work In Progress. It's not supposed to be consistent with 
anything, least of all, itself.

It's normal state is broken. If it's actually installable. that's by 
accident, not by any design.

> rpm -Fvh kernel-2*.i686.rpm glibc-2*.i686.rpm \
> `ls kernel-*.rpm glibc-*.rpm|egrep -v "kernel-2|glibc-2"`
> rpm -Fvh *.rpm
> since it at least in the last few weeks, there is not any snapshot where
> this script run because of some dependenies.
> IMHO it's not a too big request:-) and the qa department have to spend
> with it more than 5 minutes:-(((
> ps. yes of course I can make a new bugzilla entry in all case, but ...

Go ahead. Give the Red Hatters a good laugh. They won't fix it because 
it's not supposed to be fixed in the sense you mean.

John Summerfield

Microsoft's most solid OS: http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/

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