
I reported the major bug in tar over a year ago. Since then we have been unable to use 
RedHat's tar
to back up our systems and have had to revert to the standard Gnu release of tar.

Is there any news on when this bug will be fixed ?
Who is responsible for tar ?
The Gnu tar is version 1.13 while RedHats is 1.13.19-6, where is the 1.13.19 source 
maintained ?

"Tar is still VERY broken when the --listed-incremental=<file> option is used
 with a number of directory arguments on our system which has a large number of
 In fact if a full backup is done using this tar less that 1/4 of the systems
 files are backed up with no error messages from tar !
 I have tried the stock Gnu tar 1.13 and this work fine.
  A warning should be put in the RedHat errata site about this bug as it is very



  Dr Terry Barnaby                     BEAM Ltd
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