> On Tue Apr 30 2002 at 17:33, Michel Alexandre Salim wrote:
> > > let's take the last buggy (7.0) IMHO
> > > and the 7.2 has a lot of updates, not necesarly
> > > remote root bugs
> > 7.0 was rather horrifying. Having to patch glibc soon
> > after release was not very convincing, IMHO. I could
> > not really recall 7.1 - nothing exceptional - but 7.2
> > is rather solid, everything considered. 7.3 promises
> > to be a repeat of 4.2/5.2 :)
> I totally agree about 7.0 (ouch!), 7.1 was ok (it included the 2.4.x
> kernel), 7.2 so far has been great.

Check the volume of updates for 7.2. Remember some packages have been renewed 
several times. 7.2 updates include glibc.

John Summerfield

Microsoft's most solid OS: http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/

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        be right!

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