Am Mit, 2003-02-05 um 01.58 schrieb Larry Greenleaf:
> I have seen this post in several other locations. There are a lot of people, 
>including myself, that can't seem to get make modules to complete successfully. It 
>seems to me that RedHat needs to address this issue by way of a how-to. C'mon RedHat, 
>get with the program! This is why I am running Slackware. I can get the kernel to 
>compile without incident in Slackware! Take your thumbs out from between your cheeks 
>and help us!
> Larry Greenleaf
> ---------------------------------
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umm i am not really the real linux professional but well for compiling
2.4.19 all i had to do is remove a low level drivers from the
configuration in (i will never need em here anyways).

builds quite fine then :P

rudolf kastl 

p.s. hope that helps

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