On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Sergio Alejandro Gonzalez wrote:
> Hi everibody in the list...
> Well I'have tried what many of you have suggested me, but still, the text 
> structure is corrupted in menuconfig.
> * First I tried this:
> LANG=C make menuconfig
> same as always....not a single change
> * then I tried, working with the fonts....I followed Rob idea:
> A colleague claimed it could be circumvented by adjusting your fonts. Try
> doing a setfont alt-8x8 and then make menuconfig see if the problem goes
> away.
>  >Nop...this ease the problem since working with 8x8 font, make the screen 
> area for text much bigger and menuconfig can place text in a sigle line, 
> thus we have better
> Then rob suggested about rawhide:
> If you Run rawhide switching back between text consoles using a non-default
> setfont and X the text console will get all confused but I have a feeling
> that is probably the X server's fault but who knows...
>  > Sorry my ignorance, but I'don't exaclty know waht rawhide is...so is 
> search for it in RH site and found a FTP address...rawhide caontains all 
> the package in RH8...so what should I do...reinstall ? no..I don't think is 
> that way.....
> What I really think the poroblem is, is how lionux report to ncurses the 
> proper size (widht and height) of the console....for instance, I'dont have 
> a problem with midnight commander, that means it's accurately reading W&H 
> form ...somewhere I don't know.
> Thank you all and best regards...

FYI packages come in three levels of "stability". Theoretically in
decreasing order of amount of testing/stability packages they go:
1. RedHat Releases ex. RH 8.0
2. RedHat beta Releases ex. phoebe (
   (which is found on ftp.redhat.com mirrors in under redhat/beta/phoebe)
3. RedHat Rawhide which changes daily and is unstable.
   (which is found on ftp.redhat.com mirrors in under redhat/rawhide)

If you are not comfortable living on the bleeding edge i.e. basically making
your own working distribution based on RedHat and from various sources on
the 'net (and it sound like you are not) I wouldn't recommend attempting to
run Rawhide. For now why not just avoid ncurses kernel menuconfig by setting
your term type to vt100 before doing a make menuconfig:

ex. in tcsh:
set term=vt100
make menuconfig

or in bash:
make menuconfig

That won't be as pretty but I think that should bypass the problem without
loosing functionality. If it doesn't let me know and I'll be less lazy and
go sit down at the console of a box still running RH8.0 to test it out. ;o)


---------------------"Happiness is understanding."----------------------
Robert Hardy                                          C.E.O. Webcon Inc.
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