Why is it that list Nazis never understand that if it is soooo bad to post an off-topic message, it is equally bad to reply to it and double the amount of off topic messages?

Give the guy a frickin' break and help him, why don't you, or just don't reply at all.

And RTFM? That's just plain rude. How about BFC for Be F***ing Civil?

Ajay, find your install CD #1 and look for the proftpd rpm, don't use wu-ftp. An even easier way would be to go to www.rpmfind.net and get the latest release for your RH version.

As root, do a 'rpm -i <rpm file>' to install the ftp daemon.

Also as root, you'll probably have to edit /etc/xinetd.conf (there may be an include here that actually points to /etc/xinetd.d/proftp or something similar) and make sure that there is no line saying 'disable=no'. If there is, change it to yes.

As root, restart xinetd with '/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart'. If you still can't do 'ftp localhost', look in /var/log/syslog for clues. The most likely error is that the ftp server can't resolve it's own hostname.

I use Mandrake, so your mileage may vary.


John writes:

On Fri, 14 Mar 2003, Ajay Bansal wrote:

How can I add it later.

For the time being: requirement is to add ftp server support to RH box..
1. Read the RH documentation. It answers this question and many more.

2. This is not a devleopmentissue in any sense, and there are better
lists for it.

Even on a better list though, you would be told to RTFM.

Please, reply only to the list.

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