On the subject of reverse DNS, I've got a question. I'm running a
small domain inside my employer's namespace (with their blessing :)), and
have to request that they set up any reverse entries I need. I have
complete control over my forward lookup, but I'd like to do both, and the
DNS admin agrees. However, neither of us know how to set it up. I've got
the RFC related to Classless in-addr.arpa delegation, but it's almost
another language. Is there a howto somewhere, or a page that would tell me
how to do this easily? I'm using only a few IPs in a class C space, a
block of 4 or 8 would even be sufficient. I just need to know how to set
it up... Any input would be appreciated.

Matt Housh                         email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MicroComputer Specialist                University of Tulsa
                           Engineering and Natural Sciences

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