I need to add a large (~700) number of users to linux for use as a
mailserver. I really have no scripting knowledge whatsoever. My boss
doesn't believe that Linux can handle our email (we are using NT and
SLmail *cringe* right now). I have setup the server, but I need a way to
add all the users over. SLmail will export all the information to a text
file, whereas the accounts are listed as such:

jsmith,John Smith,mypass,jsmith.mbx

So he has the username of "jsmith", fullname of "John Smith", password
of "mypass" and the jsmith.mbx is just the mailbox location, which would
not be needed.

I am sure that something could be worked out to just adduser <username>
then passwd <username> to do all of them, but I don;t know how to do
this. Any ideas to help a Linux geek convert a company over from NT? :)


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