> I was considering using DES ( triple DES
        > ) to encrypt my backup tapes.
        > Is there a source code, or binary
        > available somewhere for Linux of the
        > program?

As I explained to somebody else a few weeks ago, encrypting tapes
may not be a great help unless you are storing them remotely.

As for getting DES and a load of other crypto - here's an extract
from the SSLeay README:

                SSLeay 0.8.1 19-Jul-1997
                Copyright (c) 1997, Eric Young
                All rights reserved.

This directory contains Eric Young's ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) implementation
of SSL and supporting libraries.

The current version of this library is available from

There are patches to a number of internet applications which can be found in

A Web page containing the SSLeay FAQ written by Tim Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
can be found at 

Additional documentation is being slowly written by Eric Young, and is being
added to http://www.cryptsoft.com/ssleay/doc.  It will normally also be
available on http://www.psy.uq.oz.au/~ftp/Crypto/ssleay

This Library and programs are FREE for commercial and non-commercial
usage.  The only restriction is that I must be attributed with the
development of this code.  See the COPYRIGHT file for more details.
Donations would still be accepted :-).


The package includes

        libdes - My libdes DES encryption package which has been floating
                around the net for a few years.  It includes 15
                'modes/variations' of DES (1, 2 and 3 key versions of ecb,
                cbc, cfb and ofb; pcbc and a more general form of cfb and ofb)
                including desx in cbc mode,
                a fast crypt(3), and routines to read passwords from the
        RC4 encryption,
        RC2 encryption          - 4 different modes, ecb, cbc, cfb and ofb.
        Blowfish encryption     - 4 different modes, ecb, cbc, cfb and ofb.
        IDEA encryption         - 4 different modes, ecb, cbc, cfb and ofb.

# Antonomasia   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      #
# See http://www.notatla.demon.co.uk/                        #

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