> Hello all.  I just installed the newest jdk rpm from
> /pub/contrib/hurricaine/i386 and I'm having problems.  The javac
> compiler seems to work fine.  However, when I try to run something using 
> java program.class
> It won't let me.  I'm pretty sure that the problem is my $CLASSPATH
> variable.  When I installed the jdk, this variable was set to 
> /usr/lib/jdk-1.1.5/lib/classes.zip
> What I need to do is change it to
> /usr/lib/jdk-1.1.5/lib/classes.zip:.
> so that the interpereter will look for programs in whatever directory
> I'm in.  Does anybody know where this variable is set?  Actually, for
> that matter, does anybody know where the default $PATH variable is set? 
> (Yes, I'm a real newbie.)  Thanks in advance.
> -Chris Lea

First of all, I think you want to execute:

java program


java program.class

If the CLASSPATH setting is really your problem, you could set it in
the appropriate dot file for your shell.  There may be a more standard
place for it, but that will work.  I use the tcsh shell (used it on
other Unices at work before getting Linux at home), but you are
probably using bash since I think that is the default RedHat Linux
shell.  I'm not positive of the bash syntax since I use tcsh, but I
think put the following in your .bashrc file (in your home directory
should work):


and then log out and back in or just execute:

source ~/.bashrc

Your standard path variable can be set using the same method.  There
are system wide files that set these things (try looking at
/etc/profile), but you can modify them in your .bashrc file.


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