Why Windows '98 wasn't released in '97

 1.  It takes a 300MHZ Pentium 2 to run properly.  The technology
wasn't available in 1997.
 2.  Microsoft knew it would take another year to buy off the
Department of Justice
 3.  Only 495,242 of the 835,248 bugs in Windows '95 had been
stamped out by the end of 1997.
 4.  Windows '98 requires a new computer with all new slot standards
and CPU enhancements.  Microsoft wasn't finished with
behind-closed-doors negotiations with Intel and major computer
manufacturers yet.
 5.  Their special open standards team hadn't made the OS
incompatible with Netscape Communicator and Windblows '98.

Windows '98 was going to be called El Niņo, but an insider
suggested that might be too close to what it actually does to
your computer.

* M$ Billboard to 10 *

 1.  M.S.I.E.
 2.  '95 Crashes
 3.  Tainted JAVA
 4.  Losing My Hard Drive Space
 5.  Another GPF in the Wallpaper
 6.  Surfin' IE 4.0
 7.  Microsoft is Stronger Than Justice
 8.  The Man Who Bought the World
 9.  As My PC Gently Weeps
 10. Windows and Candy

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