> > <4> Partition check
> > <4> hda:
> >     hdb:
> > <4>VFS Lounted root (ext2 filesystem)
> > ctived...sleeping again
> > <7> VFS: disk change detected on device 02:00

I made new boot disquettes, and now the installation failed again but with
the same message as before except that one is shorter.
disk change detected on device 02:00.

How can I fix this ?

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   25 Rue des Martyrs           |   |   Fax:  (33 4) 76-85-56-10
   CNRS/LCMI (GHMFL) BP 166     |   |
   F-38042 GRENOBLE Cedex 09    |   |   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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