In message <Pine.LNX.3.96.980531000932.401A-100000@ozenfant>, Ron Golan writes:
>After I sent the message copied below I realized the subject was
>misleading and what I think would really help is if someone could tell me
>how to capture the error messages when I'm in the Xwindows environment and
>I try to start an xterm and nothing happens. Where does the console output
It depends on how you start X. If you use the startx method then any errors
are printed to stderr on the VC you executed startx. You should execute
startx in the background, i.e. startx <any args> &. you can then type
<ctrl><alt>fn (n=VC startx from) to see any errors. If you are starting X
via xdm then errors are in /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-errors and ~/.xsession-errors.
| Bob Taylor Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Like the ad says, at 300 dpi you can tell she's wearing a |
| swimsuit. At 600 dpi you can tell it's wet. At 1200 dpi you |
| can tell it's painted on. I suppose at 2400 dpi you can tell |
| if the paint is giving her a rash. (So says Joshua R. Poulson)|
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