On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, Alexander Morales wrote:

> Is there an exploit for name servers? I have 4.2 and my name servers keep
> stopping for some reason. I do a ps -uax|grep named and thay are not there.
> I then do a /etc/rc.d/init.d/named.init start and it says done but it does
> not appear. I then do a stop and it says it cant find the id. But then I
> start it again and all is well.
> If this is an exploit where is the fix and how can I trace the bastard?

Your right..there is an exploit for named.  There are people out there
that can send something to your name server and see which ones crash.  I
know that it will just crash an HP box but sometimes with RH you can get
root.  Try looking for the source of the newest version of named at
www.isc.org.  I think that is the URL, if not just search the web for the
named exploit.  Good luck!

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